Fireheart Bodywork & Transformational Services

Azline "Lynne" Robinson LMT CCT RP

Spinal Flow Technique

(To book your initial Spinal Flow session, go HERE)

Lynne Robinson makes contact with an access point on the sacrum of a client lying facedown on a massage table. Lynne's t-shirt has the Spinal Flow logo.

The Spinal Flow Technique is an exciting new modality that prompts the spine and nervous system to release stress (blockages), and restores the flow of Life Force Energy up and down the spine.

It is still a new/emerging modality, but there are a growing number of success stories describing physical (straightening of a spine with scoliosis, reducing kyphosis of the thoracic spine, reduction of inflammation and pain) as well as emotional (reduction of depression and anxiety symptoms, release of long-suppressed emotions, increase in presence and groundedness) changes arising from undergoing Spinal Flow sessions.

Do any of these symptoms resonate with you?


The philosophy of Spinal Flow:

We are born with a Life Force Energy that flows up and down our spine. However, as we age and go through life, we accumulate stress and blockages along the spine, which impede the flow of this energy. A variety of symptoms can arise depending on where these blockages form on the spine.

By making contact with access points on your sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of your spine) or sphenoid (above the ear), the Spinal Flow practitioner prompts the Life Force Energy to increase in flow, and clear blockages and stress stored in the spine.

Lynne is making contact with an access point on a client's sacrum

Lynne making contact with an access point on the sacrum


It is important to note that the Spinal Flow practitioner is not diagnosing, prescribing, or treating any physical or mental illness. The practitioner only focuses on increasing the spinal flow and decreasing blockages. Your amazing body, now freed from some layers of blockages, can then tap into its innate wisdom and work its magic.


What to expect on your Spinal Flow journey

Spinal Flow isn’t a once-off / once in a while experience. In order to get a huge amount of change started, and build upon said changes, it is highly recommended that you commit to at least 12 sessions, 2-4 times a week over the course of a few weeks when you first start your Spinal Flow journey. As such, you will need to see Lynne in her BloNo location to get the best possible Spinal Flow experience. 


Your Spinal Flow journey will unfold as follows:

Step One: the initial appointment

Please fill out the client information form before your initial Spinal Flow session. You can print the form and bring it with you, or arrive at least 10 minutes before your session to complete it before your scheduled appointment.

Please wear loose, thin clothing so that the practitioner can easily access your sacrum through the clothes. Thick material like denim are not recommended.

The practitioner will conduct a gateway and posture assessment including “before” pictures. Combined with the information from your intake form, the practitioner will then discuss their findings, and how Spinal Flow might help you with your wellness goals. You will flesh out a service plan, book subsequent sessions, then it will be time for the Spinal Flow session itself.


image of hands making contact with an access point on the sphenoid

Accessing the sphenoid


Step Two: the Spinal Flow sessions

For up to 30 minutes, the practitioner will work to increase the flow of Life Force Energy along your spine by making contact with access points on your sacrum and sphenoid. They will use a pair of sacral bolsters under your pelvis to literally and energetically open the area. They may gently push on your pelvis, hamstrings, and feet, or gently brush a line along your spine. They may step away and observe the flow. Your job is to stay present in your body, observing, breathing, perhaps moving, undulating, allowing.

At the end of the session, you are encouraged to take some time to integrate the changes to your body. 

In between sessions, you are encouraged to take care of your emotional and physical well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy. Consume nourishing foods. Hydrate. Pay attention to changes in symptoms, sleep habits, levels of anxiety, levels of pain, etc.

LEFT: before (Day 2). RIGHT: after (Day 7)

Check out the changes in Lynne's shoulders and twisted torso. Left is Day Two, and Right is Day Seven of the 7-day immersive training.


Step Three: reassessment

After your 12th session, the practitioner will reassess the gateways and posture, including “after” pictures. Based on the progress and results achieved, we can start to spread out the subsequent sessions into weekly, fortnightly, then even monthly sessions. Incorporating regular Spinal Flow sessions into your wellness routine will help maintain the progress achieved during each session and move you along your wellness journey. We continue to reassess every 12 sessions.


Are there any contraindications for Spinal Flow?

There are no contraindications to undergoing Spinal Flow treatments. However, it is important to remember that as your body releases layers of long-held physical, chemical, and emotional stress, you may experience discomfort, aches and pain, cascades of emotions. Sometimes things can get worse before they get better, also known as a healing crisis. If this occurs, there’s no need to panic, make sure to treat yourself gently, hydrate well, and support yourself as needed.


For more information:



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